Kelsey Mason
When Kelsey Mason was eight months pregnant with her second child in 2019, she watched a relative post on social media about how the THRIVE Experience was giving her the motivation to make strides in her weight-loss journey.
“She talked about how great she felt, and her transformation was just amazing,” says Mason, who had yet to entirely lose all the baby weight from her first baby and was worried about not being able to lose weight after her son was born.
A month after having her baby, she reached out to her relative to learn more about THRIVE. The woman told her that the THRIVE Experience would fill her nutritional gaps and provide appetite support, and she recommended a healthy eating plan that would help with her weight-loss goals. “This particular THRIVE team was really focused on weight management,” she says, “and so along with the THRIVE three simple steps, they focused on meal planning and lots of accountability coaching to help you hit your weight-loss goals.”
Mason decided to jump in and become a Promoter in January of 2019. Although she began to shed pounds by using THRIVE products and adopting a healthier lifestyle, Mason says she was even more shocked by the energy and mental clarity she felt while taking the products. “After a few weeks, I realized the THRIVE Experience was the bomb,” she says. Mason had been working full-time in an orthodontist’s office and she also helped out with the family’s livestock feed business. Since her husband traveled a lot for work, Mason spent a lot of her free time toting their older daughter to 4-H events while also taking care of the couple’s son.
“I had been having such a hard time keeping up with everything and then, Boom! The THRIVE Experience was dropped in my lap,” Mason says. “I had thought of THRIVE as a weight management program but I quickly learned it was going to do much more for me and my family.”
After a few weeks, I realized the THRIVE Experience was the bomb.
Mason was slow to earn her early bonuses. She connected with a member of her upline who walked her through what she needed to do to THRIVE for free and start earning commissions. Her husband became a Promoter, too, and both eventually earned their Auto Bonuses. Mason became a full-time THRIVER in 2021 and reached her 80K VIP rank in March of this year.
She’s also gained an entirely new group of friends. After marrying, she and her husband had moved to a town where she didn’t know anyone. After becoming a THRIVER, “I got to spend my days meeting up with people who all have the same goals,” she says.
While Mason credits the THRIVE Experience for providing her with an opportunity and a new community, the products have benefited her even more: “I’ve never looked or felt better than I have since taking THRIVE products,” she says. “It’s made me into the mommy and wife I’ve always wanted to be.”
© Rufhaus Designs; Steve Puppe
The success shown in these profiles is not typical of the success, if any, a Le-Vel Brand Promoter can or will have.
There are no financial guarantees.